1000 Days : From Barely living to fully alive
1000 Days : From Barely Living to Fully Alive follows Sumiko’s 3-year journey that took her from desk-job through dark-night of the soul. Your typical driven, hardworking and motivated career-woman Sumiko worked full-time through college while juggling mom-life and checking off her list of “what I’m supposed to do in life”. As she climbed the corporate ladder the “top” ended up not being what it was all made out to be. Rather it was lonely, disappointing & unfulfilling. It was at this point she questioned, was it all worth it? The hours missed with the family, all the vacations that never happened, the burned-out nervous system and the general lack of any joy or freedom.
The universe, and her soul, had bigger plans though. Shortly after quitting her job and the shockingly quick passing of her father, Sumiko entered into a portal of awakening.
The 1,000+ days that followed were marked with near death experiences, meetings with angels and spirits, revelations of the subconscious, the crumbling of her personal life and health, re-learning her psychic abilities, and the discovery of who we are all truly meant to be.